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Day 9 - Durian and boats

The durian aka stinky fruit day 9 started with a challenge. Some of you may be familiar with the durian (in this post I posted a picture of the durians with peel :D), also known as stinky fruit and it's no secret that many people have a problem with this fruit. I have to admit, when I was younger I could smell the...

Day 7 - Sex is not talked about in China

Today's workshop was about sex education. For us Germans, this was nothing new, since sex education already takes place in elementary school here. But for our Chinese exchange partners, this was all still uncharted territory. Not only because Asians hardly ever talk about sex, but also because Asians have a "face"/look and if someone with a disability has sex, then it is simply unimaginable....

Day 6 - Tai Chi and twitching

What do tai chi and twitching have to do with each other? I'll tell you in the course of the article 😀 A young lady with only one arm and one leg stood in front of us. She is a former GETCH student, her name was Miko and she would be leading today's workshop on "Independent Living". Many people don't even realize what a luxury that is...

Day 1 - Flying for the first time

O.M.G. is this really happening?! Today is the day I will fly as a "normal" passenger for the first time since my brain hemorrhage. Normal passenger? Yes, because when I was flown back to Germany after my brain hemorrhage (because I was in Australia for vacation), I had to lie down the whole time. Flying lying down is really boring! Well, if...

Preface: My journey to China

Hi there =) As some of you know through my "About Me" page, I am in a wheelchair. But that doesn't stop me from traveling! I just love traveling, it was like that before my brain hemorrhage and it is still like that now. Should you be unsure about traveling, whether in a wheelchair or not, then I would like to help you with this blog....