Hallihallöchen =) Wie einige von euch durch meine „About me“-Seite wissen, sitze ich im Rollstuhl. Aber das hindert mich nicht daran, zu Reisen! Ich liebe das Reisen einfach, so war es vor meiner Hirnblutung und so ist es jetzt immer noch. Solltet ihr beim Reisen unsicher sein, egal ob im Rollstuhl oder nicht, dann möchte ich euch mit diesem Blog zeigen, dass es ziemlich cool sein kann und es viele Möglichkeiten gibt =) Manche scheint es abzuschrecken, da sie nicht wissen wie sowas abläuft und ob es möglich ist. Und genau deswegen bin ich hier, um meine Erfahrungen und mein Wissen mit euch zu teilen. Meine erste große Reise ging nach China o(^.^)o
To be honest, I never thought I would end up travelling that far let alone to a place like China. Now I must admit, I had prejudices. Yes, I once heard someone saying that people in China are not friendly towards disabled persons and although I thought I’d pay attention to not having prejudices, I ended up having them somehow. Luckily that proved to be unnecessary, but that’s another story. So why a trip to China?
An ENSA-Project
My school (a vocational training center in Germany) had a partnership with another school (Guangzhou English Training Center) in China, which also has students with a disability. In order for us (those who were allowed to participate in this venture) to work together on the project about “partnership and disability", we flew to Guangzhou, China to meet and work with our exchange partners there. This project was possible thanks to ENSA – a developmental exchange program.
While in China I experienced so many things, I learned so much and discovered as much. I found out that the people were super friendly and my worries were for nothing. Just once it happened that an older lady said something in Chinese while passing by and staring at me, but otherwise I never felt a discriminating attitude towards me. With this journey I gained the confidence to travel and this is also what I want to share with you guys. It doesn’t matter if you are handicapped or not, if you want to travel then go for it! Don’t be afraid!
And if I piqued your interest now, then I gladly invite you to join me on my journey 😀
Here is sneak preview with impressions I collected in China: