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Day 1 - Flying for the first time

O.M.G. is this really happening?! Today is the day I will fly as a "normal" passenger for the first time since my brain hemorrhage. Normal passenger? Yes, because when I was flown back to Germany after my brain hemorrhage (because I was in Australia for vacation), I had to lie down the whole time. Flying lying down is really boring! Well, if...

Flying high on a suspension railroad

Hi there and welcome to another article of a trip to the ... well, can you guess it right? Yes, it is Switzerland xD Today we went up a mountain and if you now think that you have already read that somewhere already ... then you are right xD I once wrote a report on the Bregenzer Pfänderbahn in Austria, but today everything is about a Swiss suspension railway at Säntis.

Speedboat and wheelchair? Yes, it's possible!

You want to speedboat, but can not walk? No problem, because that's not an obstacle! That's exactly what I found out today ^^ When I was still in rehab, an activity was suggested to us by the social pedagogue - speedboating! Speed boat? Is that even possible as a wheelchair user? Yes it is! How, I wasn't sure at the time, because I had the...

There is a wheelchair that can go up stairs?

Every 2 years, the fair "Rehab" takes place in Karlsruhe on the topics of rehabilitation, therapy, care and inclusion. As a person with a movement restriction who is dependent on a wheelchair at the moment, this exhibition is just the right thing! Because there are many exhibitors who are eager to present their latest invention and there are enough people who are waiting for exactly such inventions - like me xD

A city called Zug

Hey ho, today will be just a short report ^^ Nice weather gave us the opportunity for a little sightseeing. And you can probably imagine where we went to ^^ Again to Switzerland xD To Zug. The funny thing is that in German “Zug” means “train”.

Do you like old vehicles?

You are interested in old vehicles? Then maybe the technology museum in Sinsheim, which was opened in 1981, is something for you =) Since I completed my education in a technical field, a school trip to the Museum of Technology in Sinsheim was therefore an obvious choice. Already from far away you could see the exhibited airplanes - in front of and around the...

How I ended up on TV

Hi there, everybody =) Did you know that I once shot a TV report? If you think it was a travel report - then I have to disappoint you now xD In fact, it had nothing to do with travelling, but with my apprenticeship in a vocational training center. That's why the report dates back some time, but I just wanted to share my experience with you (even if it has nothing to do with travelling) and give you a look behind the scenes of filming.

One day in Strasbourg

Finally, we went on a trip again o(^.^)o With my parents and an acquaintance, we went to Strasbourg, France for a day. With the Euro key you can go to almost any toilet Before we left, it is of course advantageous to go to the toilet at home (I think so in any case). But otherwise you can look for handicapped toilets at the rest stops. Here...