Hallihallöchen und willkommen zu einem weiteren Beitrag eines Ausfluges in die … na wer kommt drauf? Ja, es ist die Schweiz xD Heute ging es einen Berg rauf und falls ihr jetzt denkt, dass habt ihr doch schon mal gelesen…dann habt ihr recht xD Ich habe mal einen Bericht über die Bregenzer Pfänderbahn in Österreich geschrieben, aber heute dreht sich alles um eine schweizerische Schwebebahn am Säntis.
Arriving at the parking lot, we were able to find the disabled parking directly, of which there were 4 pieces. If you have a “B” (or any other accompanying person identification - I do not know what signs there are abroad xD) in your disabled person’s pass, then your accompanying person can get free entrance. Fortunately, because the price for one adult is quite expensive….it was 38,15€.
Well, everything was super barrier-free and I got on the suspension railway without any problems. Also this gondola was equipped with glass all around, so we could observe the landscape as we drove up in 2502 meters height. Through the glass panes we could enjoy the warm sunshine and noticed only by the snow lying on top, that it might be a bit colder outside than expected.
First let's enjoy the view
Anyways, arrived at the top you should enjoy the view first ^ ^ They have a huge terrace here, which is accesible with the wheelchait. However, you could even get higher…but only through stairs. So I couldn’t get up there and had to wait downstairs. But…I was at the same height as the clouds and I could practically watch them coming directly at me until I was enveloped in it and the temperature around me suddenly dropped. I guess I shouldn’t complain xD It's interesting to have experienced what it feels like to be in a cloud.
When we made our way back, we landed at a small stone exhibition. There were stones from all sorts of countries on display, but I cannot tell you if the stones are always there. With the suspension railway it went down again and so our trip ends at Säntis ^^
Things I learned:
1) The suspension railway at the Säntis is barrierfree
2) The entrance fee is quiet expensive
3) If you are up on the Säntis, you can experience clouds flying towards you and emerging you